Things I’d tell my 20 Year old self

Here’s another gem from my “What I’d tell my 20-year-old self” series. Let’s hope it lands with the right audience….you know, the ones who think they already have life figured out. Spoiler: you don’t. Trust me, I could’ve used this list back then, but hey, hindsight’s 20/20, right? Take notes, kids.



  1. Never compromise your standards for companionship
  2. The safer you play, the closer to mediocrity you’ll get
  3. Learn to question yourself more than you question others
  4. Adopt an apprentice mindset -it’s the best time in your life to learn without an ego
  5. Treat all knowledge with a grain of salt (but never be disrespectful)
  6. Learn how to live with less to handle a life with more
  7. The expectation of mastery slows you down. Be content with learning in & of itself
  8. Practice delayed gratitude (it’ll save you more often than you think)
  9. Stop over-explaining yourself. You don’t owe anyone an explanation of your past.
  10. Learn deeply and broadly if you want to produce high-quality ideas


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